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Isle of Wight Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

It comes as no surprise that 50% of the Isle of Wight falls under the nationally recognised status of Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). This is truly remarkable.

AONBs are nationally important protected landscapes designated under the National Parks and Access to Countryside Act 1949. We have a local team whose role it is to conserve and enhance the island’s finest landscapes.

To put this in context, the Isle of Wight AONB is 1 of just 46 AONBs in Britain covering 18% of the countryside. Together with the National Parks they are protected in the national interest both for today and for future generations as examples of our finest countryside. In planning terms AONBs are equivalent to National Parks and must be afforded the same level of consideration and protection.

Wight AONB works to promote sustainable forms of social and economic development, which conserve and enhance the designation. There is an AONB Planning Officer dedicated to the protection of these key sites. You can learn more on the Wight AONB website.

Annie Spratt / Unsplash